If you're having trouble seeing your EKM Push data in Encompass, the Widget, or EKM Dash you will need to troubleshoot the reason why. 

Here are the most common reasons why Push data is not available:

  1. The Push has lost connectivity with the internet and the Push servers.
  2. The EKM Push is not properly connected via RS-485 to the meter(s).
  3. The Push is connected to the wrong meter.

How to diagnose what the problem is while in the field by looking at the LED lights on the EKM Push gateway:

After being plugged in the EKM Push3 gateway has a startup sequence that take about 4 minutes. The LED lights will blink during startup but you can disregard them while this is happening. After about 4 minutes the EKM Push will connect to the internet and begin to try to read your meter(s), unless it finds a new firmware update is available. In that case it will download and install the firmware update, which can take up to 20 minutes. 

The LED lights can tell you if your meter(s) are being read successfully or not. Push3 LED Lights: 1 (closest to board edge), 2, 3 — from left to right on the EKM Push gateway.

  • LED 1 (power): Solid green indicates the Push is powered up. An orange LED means a helper service has not started yet or has failed. A red LED means that the main device agent code has not started yet or has failed. The LED should eventually turn green, which could take up to 20 minutes. If it does not eventually turn green, power cycle the Push3 gateway.

  • LED 2 (ethernet/internet connection): Blinks green every time a meter read is pushed to the cloud. One meter read per minute is pushed out by default. An orange blink means it could not send data to the cloud but that it will retry. A red blink means the gateway is not able to send to the cloud and that it is running out of storage space on the gateway, so a read was dropped.

  • LED 3 (RS-485): Blinks green every time a meter is read locally. It blinks red if the meter read is not successful. Meters are read as fast as possible by default. This is different than the data send rate (sent to the cloud), which is once/minute by default.

You can see the complete list of Push3 LED color/blinking definitions here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LXSgxAdBs2IAGked7PFvYl_itLU3uYP6z6qmvqcrnE8/edit?usp=sharing

To ensure that those definitions are accurate for your Push3 you will want to be sure that your Push3 has updated to the latest Firmware and Updater. The Firmware/Updater versions your gateway is currently on is visible in your Account Portal, if you select the gateway in the left column.

When everything is set up properly the power LED should be green, the internet LED should be blinking green (if connected to the internet) and the RS-485 LED should be blinking green relatively quickly. You may see occasional red blinks on the RS-485 LED when reads fail. Occasional failed reads is to be expected and is not a problem. This will happen more when reading via 485Bee radios.

How to diagnose what the problem is by looking at your data via the New Account Portal:

All EKM Push users can access the new Account Portal. Starting in February 2020 we began inviting EKM Push users to register their EKM Push Account Portal. If you have an EKM Push account and have not yet registered, we encourage you do to so here: https://api.ekmpush.com/account/register.html

Once you have registered you will be able to see the status of all of your meters and EKM Push gateways in your account portal.

  1. This image shows a meter that is not currently reading, and the Push gateway that it is associated with, circled in red. The meter has not been read in 33 minutes but the gateway last checked in with our database just a few seconds ago. This shows that the gateway is connected to the internet but that meter is not connected to the gateway. So that is what would need to be fixed in this case.
  2. This image also shows a meter that is not currently reading, and the Push gateway that it is associated with, circled in red. In this case both were last read 3 days ago. This indicates that the EKM Push gateway is not able to connect to the internet. So that is what would need to be fixed in this case.
  3. If the EKM Push gateway indicates that there is "no data" that means that the gateway is not connected to the internet and has not been for quite a while. Similarly, if there is no data for a meter that means that the meter has not been read by the Push in a very long time, if ever.

How to diagnose what the problem is by looking at your data via the new Real-Time API:

You can also look at the data returned by our new API to diagnose the cause of data issues. Here is an example API call that should return good data: https://api.ekmpush.com/readMeter?key=MTAxMDoyMDIw&cnt=10&format=html&timezone=America~Los_Angeles&meters=000000017507

  1. If you make an API call and the data that is returned shows good reads but the time stamps are not current, this indicates that the meter was reading correctly until the EKM Push lost its connection to the internet. So the Push gateway would need to be reconnected to the internet in this case.
  2. If you make an API call, and that data that is returned shows a current timestamp, but the reads are empty, this indicates that the EKM Push is connected to the internet, and is attempting to read the meter, but is not able to. So the meter's connection to the Push gateway is what would need to be fixed in this case.
  3. If you make an API call and the return simply says "No data" this indicates that the meter has not been successfully read in a very long time. This is because the EKM Push is not connected to the internet and has not attempted to read the meter in a very long time, if ever.

How to diagnose what the Push2 problem is by looking at your data via the legacy Real-Time API:

This is for legacy Push2 gateways only.

Use the API link for your meter that was included in the Push2 email that was sent to you when you purchased the EKM Push gateway. Use it to try and look at your raw data. What you see will tell you how to proceed. Here is an example API call:


  1. This image shows the last 10 "reads" inserted in the Push database for this meter. If the top read's timestamp is not current, meaning more than five minutes old, then your EKM Push gateway is not connected to the internet and the Push servers. You will need to establish this internet connection before you will be able to see good data.

    You may even see good data but if the timestamp is not current it means that internet connectivity has been lost and the Push can no longer communicate with the Push servers. Check to make sure that Push2 gateway is still powered and connected to your internet router.
  2. If the timestamp of the top read is current (within the last 5 minutes), and updates every minute, but you are only seeing PERR.NR (No response error), then your Push is able to connect with the Push database but it is not properly connected to your meter. Check the RS-485 connection to your meters and make sure that all wires are in the proper ports with solid connections.

    If your Push account has multiple Push2 gateways and multiple meters, it is important that each meter is connected to the correct gateway. If there are not then the meter will not read and you will get PERR.NR errors. Meter numbers are written on the bottom of each Push gateway so you know when meter(s) to connect to each gateway.

  3. If the timestamp is current and you are seeing columns of data then your meter is actively being read over RS-485 by the Push system. If this is the case but you are having a problem getting the data in the EKM Dash, Encompass.io, or the EKM Widget, then the issue is with your setup of those software options. We recommend that you check out the tutorials that we have for them in our online Knowledge Base, found here: https://help.ekmmetering.com/support/solutions/6000129304


If you are using Zscaler Client Connector on your network, you may need to configure SSL inspection. These addresses need to be exempted:

  1. .ekmpush.com
  2. .ekmmetering.com

Once that is done, your Push3 should being to work normally on your network.